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How Workflow Automation Drives Success, a Guide to Automation

Discover the power of workflow automation and how it can revolutionize your small business. Learn the benefits, strategies, and real-life examples.

Motion Blog
at Motion
Jul 7, 2023
Table of contents

Managing teams and meeting deadlines can be a daunting task. Constantly balancing workloads and prioritizing tasks can often lead to stress and burnout.

That's where workflow automation comes in.

Workflow automation is the key to overcoming these challenges and unlocking your and your team's full potential. Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks can free up valuable time and resources. In fact, many employees state that they spent half of their time hunting down files. Automate that one workflow, and free up time for focused work!

Below, we'll explore the benefits (and examples) of workflow automation. We'll delve into real-life ways you can implement them, statistics, practical tips, and more.

Let's dig right in.

What is workflow automation?

Workflow automation is a game-changing solution for people and businesses. One that can streamline their processes, boost productivity, and achieve remarkable efficiency gains.

Workflow automation involves technology, such as AI or task management tools, to automate manual tasks.

The benefits of workflow automation extend beyond time savings. Automation ensures consistency and standardization, and reduces the chances of oversight. This way, businesses can cut the risk of errors and improve accuracy.

Workflow automation isn't limited to a specific industry or business type. It has wide-ranging uses, from design agencies, human resources to real estate offices and sports teams. No matter the nature of your business, workflow automation can help improve your operations.

An example of workflow automation

Let's take a look at how workflow automation can transform the customer onboarding process for a design agency. Traditionally, this process involved manual tasks, such as:

  • Gathering client information
  • Creating project folders
  • Assigning tasks
  • Sending status updates

These tasks aren't only time-consuming, but also difficult to track manually.

The design agency could, for example, implement an automated form submission system with workflow automation. Clients would fill out an online form, which would trigger the creation of project folders and populate client data.

Tasks could then be automatically assigned, and notifications instantly sent via the automation system. Status updates and client communication would also be streamlined. And team members could work on documents together via a file-sharing platform.

As a result, the design agency could cut out a lot of manual effort. The automated workflow solution would not only save valuable time but also improve project tracking.

Workflow vs. process

While workflow and process are related terms, they have distinct properties.

Workflow vs Process table

‎A process refers to a series of sequential steps that transform inputs into outputs. A workflow, on the other hand, represents the sequence of tasks, activities, and interactions.

Think of a process as the “what,” while a workflow is the “how” (of getting things done).

Who uses workflow automation?

Workflow automation is a powerful tool that finds utility across various industries.

Let's take a look at some real-life companies using automation:

  • Healthcare institutions like theMayo Clinic use it to streamline patient registration.
  • Tesla incorporated workflow automation in their production processes. Saving them money, while ensuring product standards.
  • Banks have leveraged workflow automation to automate loan application processes, which leads to faster and more efficient approvals.
  • Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, uses workflow automation for its order fulfillment.
  • Netflix relies on workflow automation to manage content delivery. This automation provides a seamless streaming experience for millions of subscribers.
  • NASA uses workflow automation to streamline mission planning, data collection, and analysis.
  • Coca-Cola uses workflow automation to optimize its supply chain and distribution processes.
  • Coursera uses automation to manage course enrollments seamlessly.

What are the benefits of workflow automation?

Implementing workflow automation in a small business offers many benefits.

No Automation vs With Automation

Here are some key advantages:

  1. Increases efficiency by cutting out manual and time-consuming tasks. This way, you and your team can focus on more strategic and value-add activities.
  2. Reduces errors by removing humans from the equation.
  3. Better teamwork, regardless of physical locations, because it centralizes data and facilitates real-time communication.
  4. Saves time by reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks.
  5. Scalable to accommodate growing business needs without compromising efficiency.
  6. Saves costs by reducing manual labor and streamlining processes.
  7. Better task prioritization so that critical activities receive appropriate attention.

The growing adoption of workflow automation is also evident in recent statistics. According to Kommando Tech, more than 4 out of 5 corporate executives expressed their intent to speed up implementing workflow automation.

How much time does automation save you?

For example, Motion saves time by removing distractions, context-switching, and manual calendaring. On average, people can spend around 5 hours per week on these unproductive tasks.

To understand the value of this time, assume that 1 hour of your time is worth $50. $50 X 20 hours = $1,000 saved. That’s a lot of money saved. Or, to put it in another perspective, you save 20 hours of time.

These calculations reflect the tangible benefits of implementing Motion for workflow automation.

To calculate your own hours and ROI, click here.

Workflow automation ideas

Let’s look at some workflow automation ideas you can implement.

Marketing campaigns

Workflow automation offers valuable support for marketing efforts and campaign management. According to research, more than 75% of marketers who executed automation saw more conversions.

Automated email marketing campaigns can be set up to deliver personalized and targeted messages. With automated lead nurturing, marketers can automatically guide prospects through the sales funnel. Marketing automation solutions also help with the automatic tracking of campaign performance.

Automate inventory management

Workflow automation can be a valuable solution for optimizing inventory management.

Automate inventory management

‎With automation, you can cut out tasks like stock tracking, order fulfillment, and replenishment. You also gain real-time visibility into inventory levels to avoid over or under-stocking.

Real-life examples include giants like Amazon and Walmart. They use automated systems to handle massive inventory volumes and optimize their supply chains. As a result, they've achieved great inventory accuracy and delighted their consumers with fast service.

Businesses can use the power of automation to help them achieve similar results.

Simplify approval workflows

Workflow automation can change the way organizations handle approvals.

With automation, you can automate the routing, tracking, and approval of documents and requests. This way, approval workflows are easily managed, removing blockers and speeding up decision-making.

Real-world success stories show the power of workflow automation in simplifying approval workflows. Many banks have benefited from significant improvements by using automation tools. They've experienced reduced approval times, cut paper-based processes, and improved transparency.

Improve project management

Workflow automation serves as a game-changer in project management.

You can automate task assignments, progress tracking, and deadline reminders. You can also replace manual work with automated notifications and updates. And it can help with seamless communication, fostering teamwork.

A good example of workflow automation in project management is with Motion.

Motion enables you to automate repetitive project management tasks, such as:

Automate your workflow with Motion

Motion is more than a workflow tool. Using AI, Motion streamlines your task management and optimizes your workflows. Motion can save you time and help you achieve project success.

Let's take a look at how it can automate your workflow (and what else you can do with it).

Streamline task management

With Motion's AI-driven task management features, you can automate task assignments. Or you can assign tasks to team members with a few clicks and easily track their progress in real-time.

Motion prioritizes tasks based on their importance, sets deadlines, and establishes task dependencies. It can evaluate the importance of tasks and choose the right time and team member for them. This way, Motion helps you save time, reduce errors, and enhance teamwork.

Efficient calendar integration and automated scheduling

Stay organized, avoid overlaps, and maximize productivity with Motion's intelligent calendar integration.

Motion easily integrates with calendar platforms like Google Calendar and Microsoft Calendar.

Motion takes scheduling to the next level by optimizing your calendar based on essential variables. It considers things like deadlines, working hours, habits, and more to build your schedule.

It also integrates with stakeholders' calendars so you can see which times suit them without even asking.

Collaborative workflow coordination

Say goodbye to scattered information and miscommunication and enjoy a centralized approach with Motion.

‎Centralized data access means that your team can easily find the information they need.

Real-time updates keep everyone informed about the progress and status of tasks, allowing for swift decision-making and Agile adjustments. And with its notifications, no important deadlines or updates are missed, keeping the entire team in sync.

With Motion, teamwork becomes efficient, transparent, and highly productive.

Reporting and analytics

Gain insights into your workflow performance with Motion's robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Track key performance metrics (KPIs) to measure your team's productivity and efficiency. Some of the KPIs Motion tracks include:

  • Task completion rates
  • Turnaround times
  • Employee allocation
  • Employee capacity
  • Team workload

Using Motion's reporting, you can make informed decisions about resources and workload balancing. With detailed analytics, you can uncover patterns, trends, and opportunities for growth. You can also use it to fine-tune your custom workflows and drive continuous improvement.

Customization and scalability

Experience the flexibility and scalability of Motion to meet your unique business needs.

Use customizable workflows to align with your specific processes. Doing this allows you to automate tasks and streamline operations precisely.

Don't just take our word for it. Tamara Hamai, President of Hamai Consulting, shared her automation experience with Motion:

“Motion automates the productivity strategies I already use. It’s way more effective to work this way and it eliminates quite a bit of manual work.”

With Motion, you can easily design, modify, and optimize your own workflows. As your business grows, Motion scales to accommodate increased demands and expanding teams.

Implementing Motion a few quick success cases

Let's explore a few more cases of clients using Motion to streamline workflows and drive positive outcomes.

Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Director of Engineering at Zenysis Technologies, shares his success story:

“Each day, I didn't know exactly what I should do next. Now Motion picks that for me. I'm more productive, but also less stressed. I never have to open a list and scan through 20 items and pick what I do. I just look at my calendar.”

Eric Chen, Partner at OVO Fund, testifies to Motion's time-saving capabilities:

“Motion’s ability to condense my schedule is almost priceless. I have more dedicated focus time. And more time to go surfing during low tide in Santa Cruz.”

Christoph Krachten, Author and CEO of United Creators OLP GmbH, highlights the efficiency and peace of mind brought by Motion:

“In other tools, my to-do list gets longer and longer and longer. With Motion, it doesn’t. Each day, I finish everything that’s important. I'm more relaxed. And it saves me at least 2 hours each day.”

These are just a few cases of how Motion is used by professionals to boost not just work but life.

Automate with Motion today

Unlock the game-changing potential of workflow automation. Use it to revolutionize your business's productivity, efficiency, and teamwork. With automation, you can also streamline tasks, minimize errors, and save valuable time.

But why stop there? Take your automation efforts to the next level with Motion as your trusted workflow automation tool.

Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Motion by clicking here.

Motion Blog
Written by Motion Blog