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10 Best AI Tools for Product Managers in 2024

Discover the best AI tools for product managers in 2024 that help you make smarter strategic decisions and implement them faster.

Jared Posey
Writer at Motion
May 9, 2024
Table of contents

AI is being pitched as the solution to every productivity problem. Yet product managers know better than most that AI is still in its infancy, and the true capability of tools doesn’t always live up to the marketing.

AI has plenty to offer throughout the product management cycle, but choosing the wrong tools creates more problems than it solves.

Eighty-one percent of product leaders highlight a lack of investment in the right tools as a barrier to success, while 76% say product strategy is the most important area for investment.

Product teams need a toolkit that helps them make and implement strategic decisions faster — the kind of decisions that impact revenue.

In this article, we list the ten best AI product management tools in 2024. These tools solve real problems at every strategic level, identifying valuable insights and allowing teams to act upon them sooner.

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What can AI do for product managers?

According to Goldman Sachs research, AI could partially automate two-thirds of existing jobs. While the technology is still in its infancy, it’s already making waves across every industry, but what can it do for product managers?

Here’s a quick summary of what the best AI tools are doing for product managers in 2024:

  • Project and task management
  • Product analytics
  • Product development
  • Conversational insights
  • Code-free reporting
  • Intelligent debugging
  • User feedback analysis
  • Meeting scheduling and notes
  • Automated customer support
  • Sales forecasting
  • AI product building

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The current state of AI brings a more intelligent form of automation to product management. Sure, you can use ChatGPT to generate drafts of customer personas and web copy, but these tasks still require a lot of human oversight.

The AI product management tools recommended in this article solve real problems product managers and their teams face daily.

Best AI tools for product managers in 2024

Now, let’s review the best AI-powered tools for product managers that you can implement into your workflow today.

1. Motion — Best for AI task management

Motion is an AI assistant for planning projects and to-do lists. Its algorithms boost productivity by 137%, using the latest AI technology to analyze workloads and organize tasks into the most effective schedule.

With Motion, you can plan projects and individual workloads faster without overloading team members or setting unrealistic deadlines. The platform intelligently helps you schedule and prioritize tasks, ensuring teams can hit every target.

Motion is the AI project management system for product teams that want to spend more time doing and less time planning.

Key features:

  • AI task management
  • Personalized schedules
  • Intelligent deadlines
  • Task prioritization
  • Team tracking
  • AI meeting assistant


  • Free trial
  • Individual: From $19 per month
  • Team: From $12 per month

Motion is an intelligent task management and AI to-do list app that helps you get 25% more done. It automates project planning and removes the guesswork from setting deadlines and managing workloads.

Try Motion today for free, or use the productivity calculator on our pricing page to see how much time (and money) Motion could save you every week.

2. Pendo AI — Best for AI product personalization

Pendo AI personalizes user experiences to maximize engagement and revenue-driving actions like renewals and upgrades. With one click, you can also auto-generate in-app guides and onboarding walkthroughs to help users get the best out of your product.

Meanwhile, Pendo’s AI system analyzes user sessions to identify potential issues and optimization opportunities. It also helps you gain valuable insights from user feedback faster, using generative AI to provide summaries and prioritize issues that require your attention.

Key features:

  • In-app guides
  • Generative campaigns
  • AI tag assist
  • Workflow suggestions
  • Qualitative insights
  • AI chatbot


  • Free plan available
  • Contact for a custom quote

Pendo AI helps you maximize product adoption and engagement with personalized onboarding experiences and in-app guides. Without any pricing information, you have to contact Pendo’s sales team for a custom quote. This is an enterprise system, so be ready for enterprise pricing.

3. Amplitude AI — Best for AI product analytics

Amplitude AI uses machine learning to analyze product experiences and help teams build, develop, and optimize faster. With its always-on intelligent monitoring system, you can identify the “why” behind changes in user behavior while predictive analytics flags potential shifts before they happen.

The platform’s data assistant automatically cleans and enriches data to improve the quality of product insights. It can also analyze datasets and visualizations, auto-generating summaries to help you gain actionable insights faster. Then, the Ask Amplitude bot allows team members to type questions and receive generative AI insights, summaries, and suggestions.

Key features:

  • Ask Amplitude
  • Data assistant
  • Always-on monitoring
  • Predictive insights
  • Intelligent recommendations


  • Free plan
  • Plus: From $49 per month
  • Growth: Contact for a custom quote
  • Enterprise: Contact for a custom quote

Amplitude has enhanced its product analytics system with predictive insights, intelligent recommendations, and generative AI. Affordable starting prices make Amplitude suitable for every company size, but its best AI features are only available on the Enterprise plan.

4. Spark AI by Mixpanel — Best for conversational product insights

Spark AI brings AI-powered conversational insights to Mixpanel’s product analytics system. Anyone on your team can type queries in plain English, and Spark AI will generate responses with relevant metrics and data visualizations.

Spark AI is powered by OpenAI, implementing GPT into a dedicated product analytics tool.

As with ChatGPT, users can ask follow-up questions or provide conversational feedback to improve the quality of actionable insights. For example, if Spark AI generates a line graph, you could ask it to display the same data in an HTML table.

Key features:

  • Conversational insights
  • Visual responses
  • Follow-up prompts


  • Free plan (30 queries)
  • Growth: From $28 per month (60 queries)
  • Enterprise: Contact for a custom quote (300 queries)

You can access Spark AI on every Mixpanel plan, starting with up to 30 per month on the free plan. It’s a simple tool compared to Amplitude, but Mixpanel’s affordable prices are ideal for smaller teams — as long as you can live with the query limits.

5. JamGPT — Best for AI debugging assistant

JamGPT is a free browser extension that helps developers flag, diagnose, and fix bugs faster. As the name suggests, JamGPT is also powered by OpenAI’s GPT system. The extension adds an AI debugging assistant to the browser with the familiar, conversational experience of ChatGPT.

Devs can submit queries as they run into bugs, prompting JamGPT to analyze the issue. The extension will try to find the cause of the bug and recommend fixes, saving developers from scouring through source code to diagnose issues manually.

Key features:

  • AI bug diagnosis
  • Code fix suggestions
  • Free browser extension


  • Free plan
  • Team: From $10 per month
  • Enterprise: Contact for a custom quote

JamGPT is available to all Jam users with unlimited Jams on all plans — including the always free plan.

As a GPT-powered product, Jam’s AI debugging assistant isn’t perfect. Of course, it doesn’t always accurately diagnose issues, and developers need to assess any suggested changes before implementing them.

However, the tool is pretty good at detecting common code issues that are easy to miss or point you in the right direction of an issue.

6. — Best for user feedback and analysis

Zeda is a B2B SaaS analytics system that uses AI to help you gain valuable insights from customer feedback. The tool analyzes feedback from customer conversations across multiple platforms (Slack, Intercom, etc.) to identify and prioritize pain points that require your attention.

With AI sentiment analysis, Zeda delves beyond surface feedback to analyze user satisfaction throughout the customer cycle. It tracks revenue-affecting actions like renewals, upgrades, and churn to help you discover untapped revenue opportunities, as well as undetected risks.

Key features:

  • AI customer feedback analysis
  • Product and customer insights
  • Roadmaps and release notes


  • Free plan
  • From $499 per month

Zeda is one of the most expensive tools we’re looking at in this article, but it’s also one of the most capable AI product analytics systems on the market. If you’re looking to upgrade from a cheaper platform or swap multiple tools for an all-in-one solution, Zeda is a great place to start.

7. — Best generative AI meeting assistant

Otter is an AI meeting assistant that automatically captures notes and generates resources for attendees.

With AI voice recognition and transcription technology, you’ll never need to take meeting notes again. More importantly, team members can request summaries, action items, transcripts, and other resources. Otter generates these resources, including all relevant information, while leaving everything else out.

Key features:

  • AI meeting assistant
  • Otter AI chat
  • Generative AI meeting resources


  • Free trial
  • From $4,999 per year

Unlike most AI meeting assistants, Otter doesn’t simply transcribe notes. It generates concise resources to help team members get the necessary information without scouring through entire transcripts. With prices starting from $4,999 per year ($417 per month), you’re paying a premium for the privilege of its generative AI features, though.

8. Zendesk AI — Best for automated customer service

Zendesk is one of the biggest names in customer support software, and the company has heavily integrated AI throughout its platform in recent years. Now, you can automate the first line of support with intelligent bots, which are available on all Zendesk plans.

With the Advanced AI add-on, you can also enhance manual support with a suite of new features. For example, agents can send personalized replies in seconds, combining customer data with generative AI.

Key features:

  • AI support agents
  • Generative AI
  • AI suggestions


  • Basic plan: From $19 per month
  • Suite Team: From $55 per month
  • Suite Growth: From $89 per month
  • Suite Professional: From $115 per month
  • Suite Enterprise: Contact for a custom quote
  • Advanced AI add-on: $50 per month per agent (Professional plan and higher)

The Advanced AI add-on makes Zendesk a more powerful tool for product management and customer support. The only downside is that you have to sign up for the Suite Professional plan or higher and then pay an additional $50 per month per agent. So, the add-on also makes it a significantly more expensive tool.

9. InsightSquared — Best for AI sales forecasting

InsightSquared is an AI sales forecasting and analytics tool. While the system is designed for sales teams, it helps product, sales, and marketing unify by optimizing revenue-driving actions like renewals and upgrades while reducing churn.

Key features:

  • Sales forecasting
  • Revenue analytics
  • Pipeline management


  • Contact for a custom quote

As a product manager, you want to know sales processes and marketing campaigns are pulling their weight as you optimize for KPIs like retention. InsightSquared sets realistic sales targets for every department, so you’re all working towards the same larger goals.

10. — Best AI product builder provides open-source machine learning products for companies to build and train their AI systems. For example, you can create generative AI tools, build a custom predictive analytics system, or implement an ML framework for handling missed payments (dunning).

Key features:

  • Gen AI builder
  • AI app builder
  • Usage and cost reports


  • Contact for a custom quote

H2O is the open-source toolkit for product teams that want to use AI and machine learning to solve problems on their own terms. If you can’t find a product that meets your needs, you can probably build one with H2O.

The additional development, maintenance, and expense involved means this isn’t a viable option for every company.

What about ChatGPT for product management?

You might notice this article doesn’t recommend ChatGPT as an AI tool for product managers. There are several reasons for this. Most importantly, ChatGPT isn’t designed for product managers or teams. It’s a general-purpose conversational platform, which makes it too generic for the purposes of this article.

This doesn’t mean product managers can’t use ChatGPT for tasks like basic research, generating ideas, content generation, etc. — but this applies to everyone.

The real power of OpenAI’s GPT is unleashed when it's implemented into specialist tools like JamGPT and Mixpanel’s Spark AI. These tools integrate the power of GPT but limit the scope of the technology used. This produces tools capable of solving specific problems for product managers, such as generating instant summaries of large datasets or diagnosing bugs.

The issue with these tools is they’re reliant on OpenAI and its GPT API. If anything happens to OpenAI or the company restricts access to its API, these tools lose their AI power. Keep this in mind when choosing AI tools, and look for providers that implement their own AI tech if you’re concerned about long-term access.


Product leaders know the importance of investing in the right tools and the costs of buying into the wrong ones. AI has a lot to offer, but the hype makes it harder to choose the right tools when every provider jumps on the AI train.

It’s easy to get swept up in big promises, but the best AI tools solve specific problems. For product managers, this usually means:

  • Reduce manual workload
  • Increase productivity
  • Dedicate time to high-impact tasks/actions
  • Analyze data faster
  • Implement strategic decisions sooner
  • Complete a higher volume of revenue-driving actions

AI tools should help your team dedicate more time to tasks that require human input by automating repetitive tasks that put a drag on productivity. With tools like Motion, you waste less time scheduling tasks and meetings so that you can concentrate on high-impact activities.

Jared Posey
Jared Posey is a business, SaaS, and productivity freelance writer with a passion for conencting readers with high-quality content. When he's not polishing up a sentence or conducting SERP research, you'll find him making his kids laugh and his wife shake her head.
Written by Jared Posey