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How to Write an Inspiring Value Statement (with Examples)

Learn what a value statement is and a how-to guide that inspires employees and connects with customers.

Motion Blog
at Motion
Sep 13, 2023

People often consider an organization’s values when looking for a new job or deciding where to spend their money. So writing an inspirational value statement that expresses your organization’s priorities can have a major impact on its success.

When done right, your statement can guide employees and appeal to your target audience to encourage new business, increase customer loyalty, and reduce turnover rates.

But it’s easy to get hung up on the little things when trying to craft the perfect statement. So how do you articulate a value statement that speaks to your business and resonates with others?

In this article, we’ll show you how to create an impactful value statement, go over the benefits of doing so, and provide examples for inspiration.

What is a value statement?

A value statement is the heart of your company. It shares your company’s principles and identity with the world.

But it’s more than just a collection of inspiring words — it’s a commitment to core practices that resonate with your employees and customers.

According to Insider Intelligence, 23% to 25% of adults from around the world prioritize a brand’s values. A value statement gives employees a sense of purpose and connection to the company and helps customers understand and connect to your brand.

Chart depicting how consumers see brand values

‎It’s a promise you make to your stakeholders. So your actions must mirror your list of values to avoid disappointment and loss of trust.

It’s also important to take a fresh look at your value statement every couple of years and align it with new developments in your company.

Mission vs. vision vs. value statement

While mission and vision statements are typically one to three sentences that summarize the company’s purpose and goals, a value statement is a bit different.

It’s a list of core beliefs that guide how the company operates and interacts with the world. A mission tells us the “what” and the “why.” A vision paints a picture of “where” the company is going, and a value statement outlines “how” a company plans to operate in its journey.

The benefits of a value statement

The benefits of a value statement can be seen throughout a business. A compelling value statement not only sets the tempo for your company but also forms the rhythm that connects your team and resonates with your customers.

For companies

A good value statement guides your company’s big decisions, shapes your company culture, and defines its identity in the market. Having a unified vision creates consistency, which, in turn, builds trust and loyalty and strengthens your reputation.

When customers, partners, and potential hires see that your actions match your company values, they’re more likely to trust you. This trust can lead to more business, stronger partnerships, and the retention of top talent.

For example, your company’s value statement might emphasize sustainability. In line with this, you prioritize and invest in eco-friendly initiatives and technologies. Your actions not only reduce the company’s carbon footprint but also draw in customers and partners who share a passion for environmental conservation.

For employees

A strong value statement can foster a sense of purpose and motivation, leading to enhanced productivity and job satisfaction. In fact, 70% of employees link their sense of purpose to their work.

When employees find their personal values reflected in the company, this strengthens their connection to the job. They understand that their role extends beyond completing tasks — they’re contributing to a larger mission. This alignment leads to increased engagement, lower turnover, and a more harmonious, productive work environment.

Let’s say a company has a value statement that prioritizes trust. This company manifests its commitment by giving employees autonomy over their time and work schedules.

Screenshot of motion calendar

‎In response, employees feel valued and respected, which boosts their motivation and productivity.

For customers

Finally, value statements can be the deciding factor when customers are choosing between similar products or services.

Customers feel more confident in their purchasing decisions when they do business with a company that aligns with their values. They know who they are buying from. In some cases, for instance, when a business donates a percentage of its profits to a specific cause, their monetary contributions also support a cause that resonates with them.

Let’s say a company’s value statement stresses community engagement. In that case, customers who support this company are also indirectly contributing to their local community. This shared commitment deepens the customer’s connection to the brand, fostering loyalty and customer satisfaction.

How to write a strong value statement

Now that you know what a value statement is and its impact on the workplace, let’s discuss how to write a strong one.

1. Consider how your business impacts society

Your value statement should reflect how your business positively impacts the world and how your core principles help you achieve your larger mission.

Take time to consider what your organization stands for and how these beliefs help you fulfill your purpose. Are you innovating, raising industry standards, supporting local communities, or leading a green revolution? Identify your influence and articulate it.

2. Zero in on top priorities

Since your value statement is essentially a snapshot of your company’s ethos, focus on the key priorities you want to convey. For example, you might focus on sustainability, innovation, or diversity. But not all three.

While all of these might be laudable values, you don’t want to include everything under the sun in the value statement. Including too much takes away from the potency of the values that truly matter to your organization.

Keeping it concise and direct makes it digestible and memorable to everyone who reads it.

These aspirational values should be relevant and meaningful to both your employees and your customers. A good tip is to ask your team for their input and feedback, as this ensures your values resonate with them and fosters a sense of ownership.

3. Find a structure that works for you

Values statements aren’t bound by rigid templates. Some companies prefer a list of one-word core values followed by short explanations. Others use punchy phrases to convey value statements, while some opt for more detailed sentences.

Choose a structure that best represents your company and appeals to your customers. For a younger audience, consider using graphics or trendy buzzwords. If your clientele is more corporate, a straightforward, concise list might resonate better. The key is to find a format that speaks your brand’s language and connects with your audience.

4. Be authentic and transparent

A value statement that speaks the truth can help your company gain employees’ and customers’ trust. Being genuine and transparent helps you foster a deeper connection with your employees, motivating them to deliver their best and creating a relatable image for your customers.

Happy employee

‎Think of your value statement as a social contract that governs your relationships with your stakeholders. Authenticity invites connection. It makes your company more human — and, as a result, more attractive to potential customers and employees.

5. Let your voice shine through

Let your company’s distinctive traits lead the narrative. Consider the tonality, the rhythm of your words, and the emotions they invoke.

Can you add a pinch of humor? Stir up inspiration? Or is your brand more authoritative, radiating stability and reliability?

Don’t be afraid to try different approaches until you find one that truly encapsulates your company’s unique spirit.

6. Review it again

After your initial draft, give it a rest before revisiting it. This gap will give you time to think or gain a fresh perspective to strengthen your statement.

‎However, your value statement should always echo your current practices. So frequent revisions are necessary. Using automated scheduling tools like Motion can make this process easier. You can set recurring reminders to revisit your statement, ensuring that it stays current and continues to accurately represent your brand.

Examples of effective value statements

Here are some examples of value statements from well-known brands to inspire you while you craft your own:

1. Airbnb

“Champion the mission”

“We’re united with our community to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.”

“Be a host”

“We’re caring, open, and encouraging to everyone we work with.”

“Embrace the adventure”

“We’re driven by curiosity, optimism, and the belief that every person can grow.”

“Be a ‘cereal’ entrepreneur”

“We’re determined and creative in transforming our bold ambitions into reality.”

2. Patagonia


Build the best productprovide the best service and constantly improve everything we do. The best product is useful, versatile, long-lasting, repairable and recyclable. Our ideal is to make products that give back to the Earth as much as they take.”


Examine our practices openly and honestly, learn from our mistakes and meet our commitments. We value integrity in both senses: that our actions match our words (we walk the talk), and that all of our work contributes to a functional whole (our sum is greater than our parts).”


Protect our home planet. We’re all part of nature, and every decision we make is in the context of the environmental crisis challenging humanity. We work to reduce our impact, share solutions and embrace regenerative practices. We partner with grassroots organizations and frontline communities to restore lands, air and waters to a state of health; to arrest our addiction to fossil fuels; and to address the deep connections between environmental destruction and social justice.”


Be just, equitable and antiracist as a company and in our community. We embrace the work necessary to create equity for historically marginalized people and reorder the priorities of an economic system that values short-term expansion over human well-being and thriving communities. We acknowledge painful histories, confront biases, change our policies and hold each other accountable. We aspire to be a company where people from all backgrounds, identities and experiences have the power to contribute and lead.”

Not bound by convention

Do it our way. Our success — and much of the fun — lies in developing new ways to do things.”

3. Discover

Doing the right thing








Seal your company values in words

Writing a standout value statement is a bold declaration of your brand’s identity. It’s your opportunity to charm your audience, speak your truth, and light the way for your team.

A value statement is not just about writing pretty words but also capturing the essence of what makes your brand, well, yours. An honest and compelling value statement can be the magnet that pulls in your audience and the compass that guides your team.

So, make your value statement count. Make it authentic. Make it uniquely you.

Once you have a rock-solid value statement, it’s time to put all those lofty goals into action. Motion can help you stay organized and focused on what matters. Try it today.

Motion Blog
Written by Motion Blog